Friday, March 2, 2012

Winter Term Concludes; Spring Begins April 19

Our winter term at the Shepherd's Center concluded February 9 with a session on Images of Place, featuring poems by Nancy Willard and W.S. Merwin.

The spring term begins April 19 at First Baptist Church. We will be looking at some familiar poets such as Billy Collins and Sharon Olds, taking a full session for W.S. Merwin, and trying out some poets new to us, including David Baker, George Bilgere and Barbara Ras.

Our mornings together were greatly enriched by the poems you brought in. We will again publish our "Shepherd's Center Anthology" at the end of the spring term.

In the meantime, a few links for your further reading:

Article on Nancy Willard:
On one of the new poets for spring term:
Poems by group members:

Please let me know if you would like me to post links to other poets, including yourselves.

Before I forget, regarding punctuation in the poem by Merwin: we surmised correctly--the period should not have been there. The period should never be there...